one week on the road...

Hi there, on September 15th  2018 I left Belgium on my longest trip so far. Well, I say longest, but we'll see how far I get. In comparison to other trips, there is no set date of return, nor is there a definite destination. I will see 'on the road', where I want to go next, or even, return home, as soon as I stop enjoying it. Many people, mostly the ones who haven't traveled for months on end, have no idea how hard it can be, the loneliness, the hardships, the mental dips. It's not all perfect holiday pictures, endless sunsets and fantastic adventures. That being said, there are a lot of perfect pictures, sunsets and adventures but traveling alone is at times , hard.
I really wanted to take a dog along for the ride, but all kinds of practical reasons intervened, and as much as it would have relieved the loneliness, it would have been just very unpractical at moments. Then there was the big questions as what would happen with the dog when I returned. Thinking about that for months didn't bring any answers, as when I return, I need to get back into a 9 to 5 job. So the dog option was out.
First days of the trip were difficult, for all the aforementioned reasons, and it took me some time to get into the rhythm of traveling, to get the doubts out of my head. The first days were entirely spent thinking 'what am I doing'! Part of me wanted to turn around right there.

I'm happy to say, that has changed, I got into my rhythm, my new rhythm actually, as this time I would be traveling a lot slower then on any previous trip. If I would just drive full speed to Mongolia and back, I could easily do that in less than 3 months. Having 18 months (or more) leaves a lot of time do what exactly?
This reminds me of what my ex boss said, as I was leaving Suez, the company I was working for as a truck driver. He said: 'what exactly do you do when you finally get to that faraway country?'
The answer is, much of the same things you do , when you get to your holiday destination in France or Spain. Firstly relax, then enjoy nature, good food, visit some touristy places. For me, I can be happy sitting in a secluded place, surrounded only by nature, like the place i'm typing this from, and just be free.
Total freedom, a feeling many people haven't experienced even once, is special, and probably the reason why I'm traveling. I'm ok with people, like my ex boss, not getting it, but I've learned it's ok to live a life that others don't understand. To each it's own.

As for any up to date info about the trip I urge you to use instagram, it's just that more easy for me as a platform.
Here's the link: @tony_ontheroad


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